My Free Software Activities for Jan/Feb 2019

I have done a small amount of free software work! However, I’m going to cheat and list it since the start of the year. ...

February 28, 2019

Blog Migration

This evening I’ve migrated my blog to Hugo, and made it look a bit prettier. I apologise if I’ve broken any links - in particular, I don’t think listings of blog posts in a particular day or month are working.

February 27, 2019

Tokenizing IT jobs

One size does not fit all when it comes to building search applications - it is important to think about the business domain and user expectations. Here's a classic example from recruitment search (a domain which has absorbed six years of my life already...) - imagine you are a candidate searching for IT jobs on your favourite job board. Recall how a full-text index works as implemented in Solr or Elasticsearch - the job posting documents are treated as a bag of words (i....

Jenkins milestone steps do not work yet

Public Service Announcement for anyone relying on Jenkins for continuous deployment - the milestone step plugin as of version 1.3.1 will not function correctly if you could have more than two builds running at once - older builds could get deployed after newer builds. See JENKINS-46097. A possible workaround is to add an initial milestone at the start of the pipeline, which will then allow builds to be killed early. (Builds are only killed early once they have passed their first milestone.... arm64 servers offer an ARMv8 server with 96 cores for $0.50/hour. I signed up and tried building Libreoffice to see what would happen. Debian isn't officially supported there yet, but they offer Ubuntu, which suffices for testing the hardware. Final build time: around 12 hours, compared to 2hr 55m on the official arm64 buildd. Most of the Libreoffice build appeared to consist of "touch /some/file" repeated endlessly - I have a suspicion that the I/O performance might be low on this server (although I have no further evidence to offer for this)....

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Apparently I failed to write a blog entry in all of 2016, and almost all of 2015. Probably says something profound about the rise of social media, or perhaps I was just very busy. I bet my writing has suffered. I have spent the last few days tidying up and clearing out clothes, bits of paper, and wires. I think there's light at the end of the tunnel....

January 1, 2017

CPAN PR Challenge - January - IO-Digest

I signed up to the CPAN Pull Request Challenge - apparently I'm entrant 170 of a few hundred. My assigned dist for January was IO-Digest - this seems a fairly stable module. To get the ball rolling, I fixed the README, but this was somehow unsatisfying. :) To follow-up, I added Travis-CI support, with a view to validating the other open pull request - but that one looks likely to be a platform-specific problem....

January 17, 2015

Docker London Meetup - January 2015

Last week, I visited London for the January Docker meetup, which was the first time I'd attended this group. It was a talk-oriented format, with around 200 attendees packed into Shoreditch Village Hall; free pizza and beer was provided thanks to the sponsors, which was awesome (and makes logistics easier when you're travelling there from work). There were three talks. First, Andrew Martin from British Gas spoke about how they use Docker for testing and continuous deployment of their Node....


Kate's been reading a book by KonMari. Hence we've rehomed lots of clothes, books and DVDs to charity and various places. I am told the key is to ask, "Does this item bring me joy?" Then if it doesn't bring you enough joy, it goes. The nice thing was, it was actually exciting to reveal the gems among my bookshelves, which were previously hidden by a load of second-rate books....

January 2, 2015

Looking back at 2014

I have a tendency to forget what I've been up to - so I made a list for 2014. I started the year having recently watched many 30c3 videos online - these were fantastic, and I really should get round to the ones from 31c3. January is traditionally the peak time for the recruitment industry, so at work we were kept busy dealing with all the traffic. We'd recently switched the main job search to use Solr rather than MySQL, which helped - but we did spend a lot of time during the early months of the year converting tables from MyISAM to InnoDB....

January 1, 2015