I have done a small amount of free software work! However, I’m going to cheat and list it since the start of the year.

Social groups

First, the fun stuff:

  • I organised the first two meetings of the Bedford Linux User Group. Fire engines were observed on both occasions, but this was pure coincidence.
  • I sent pull requests adding a fancy map to the new lug.org.uk site. I need to follow up to make that mobile-friendly…

apt security

I sent PRs to whydoesaptnotusehttps.com adjusting the summary and providing instructions on using HTTPS.

I’m planning to extend this with a threat model for apt.

Firefox app mode

I wrote a patch for a bug I’ve been subscribed to for a while, requesting an “app” mode similar to Chrome:

I don’t have much hope that this will actually get reviewed or applied, because it conflicts with a new “earlyBlankFirstPaint” feature. Still, I had fun writing it, and if anyone can tell me how Mozilla development works, I’d be most grateful.

Libreoffice bugs

I filed a fun Writer bug:

If you insert a tall enough image into a page header in LibreOffice Writer, you can get it to add pages indefinitely. Impressively, the application remains quite responsive while it tries to flow the text forever…

…no idea how to fix this one though!