Three egg omelette

I haven't taken much time on cooking for the past couple of nights. Last night I just used a sweet-and-sour sauce from a jar, and had chicken with quick-cook rice. I don't think that counts as cooking - more like a ready meal by stealth. As a concession, I bought whole chicken breast fillets and diced them myself. It seems to help if you use a sharp knife. This evening I cooked an omelette (with three eggs - there's a standing joke in the family concerning my brother once having cooked a one-egg omelette) and frozen veg, so I must have been done in under five minutes....

Pasta with Tomato Sauce

So, I decided to start off gently. The advantage of this recipe is that... I already knew how to make it. Awesome. Ingredients Olive oil Half an onion, chopped One clove of garlic, chopped One tin of chopped tomatoes A small amount of dried thyme or whatever; basil seems more traditional, but does Sainsbury's Local have that? Buggered if I could find it. Pasta Method Easy peasy. Heat some oil in a saucepan, add the onions and stir until they're more or less transparent (supposedly, although I'm sure I just make them turn brown)....

1GB should be enough for anybody

My HP dx2250 desktop suddenly refused to turn on last Tuesday; it just beeped loudly at me when the power button was pressed. It took me until today to look at it; downloading the troubleshooting guide, I could translate the pattern of flashes of the LEDs as signalling faulty RAM. Phew. I must say I was surprised - I have never had RAM die on me before. At least it wasn't a DIMM module I had bought myself....

SWOTting up

No man is an island; objectives cannot be set in isolation from the reality of our situation. One standard technique for analysing where we are is the SWOT analysis: considering Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and Weaknesses deal with aspects internal to your organization; Opportunities and Threats are concerned with environmental factors over which you have no direct control. Once these are identified, you can act to mitigate the negative points....

Cooking for Project Managers

Spurred on by the accusation that my expertise is limited to computer-related topics, I have resolved to learn to cook. This in fact will solve more than one problem: what to do with my copious free time given that I am organized, and give me more confidence that I am not wasting my money on ready meals each week. Obviously I am looking to transfer skills from existing domains of knowledge to this endeavour....

Apparently today was Document Freedom Day. Next year we shall have to actually celebrate it. At work, one of the company's key objectives is to promote open standards like ODF. We are lucky to have an developer in-house (a rare commodity, especially outside of Sun or Novell), and I've had the opportunity to work on supporting from time to time. The biggest difficulty is the sheer size - the built source tree needs 15GB, so it's pretty difficult to search through, for instance....

Flymake and XML on Debian

Flymake is an emacs minor mode that runs a syntax check tool over source files as you write them, on the fly. Essentially it calls the compiler for the relevant language and then parses the warnings. Because this is so obviously useful, I have it turned on by default in .emacs: ; Highlight syntax errors (require 'flymake) (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook) Recall also that I use emacs to view page source in Epiphany....


Suddenly I am very organized - a series of tedious tasks seem to have completed themselves, and I'm teetering on the brink of productivity. But that way lies madness. Today at work we finally deployed the new django-based website. It uses the same HTML and styling as the old website, but reduces the URL duplication, which will help with optimizing for search engines. We now need to add better content, and then perhaps work on the style....


Is popularity the measure of success? Yes and no. In a discussion this evening, an assertion was made that RHEL was more widely used than Debian. This may or may not be true. But let's make a loose comparison to the theory of evolution, in this Darwin anniversary year - compare programs to species perhaps, program versions to individuals, and lines of code to genes. A particular distribution version is equivalent to a kin group of individuals.... evangelization

It's the end of FOSDEM - it's been great. More on that later. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the hotel lobby at 11:30pm, and some random businessman starts talking on the phone to a colleague about his problems opening a ".docx" file. Apparently the converter won't install on his Mac, so he might not be able to get this work done until Thursday. I happen to be wearing a bright blue OO....