Yahoo! UI Libraries

As part of creating my new blog, I mentioned that I threw some CSS onto my website. I'd been a bit reluctant to do this before, because there's usually a lot of boilerplate CSS to write before you can do anything interesting. Last February, Yahoo! released a set of web development libraries under a BSD licence; among these were some CSS components. They are relatively painless to drop in, and simplify making fonts consistent across browsers, for example....

One step at a time

My new blog is set up, more or less. I'm vaguely happy with it. This one is a self-hosted Pyblosxom install, with various plugins. I've added tags instead of the default categories system, and set up comments. I also got a MetaWeblog API plugin working, so I can post this entry with gnome-blog. (I patched the Pyblosxom plugin to support images, but one thing I can't do at the moment is tagging from gnome-blog - it would be nice to add the UI elements....