More RC bugs

Heh, thanks zack for your welcome. :) I'm afraid I don't make bug fixing look as easy or as organised as you do. Some cheating to finish off the weekend: #548860 was reopened accidentally, #555898 was already fixed in another package, and #555939... actually, that did need a fix, but I just munged the test suite to expect some new error output. Then I spent this morning writing half a testsuite for svn-buildpackage, and this evening just zoning out....

RC bug roundup

On Wednesday, I fixed #551228 in libgstreamer-perl - from the bug log, it looked like it would be an intriguing parallel-build problem, but I reckon it was just a faulty test. Next I applied a patch from the upstream bug tracker for #544894 in libtk-filedialog-perl, which was fine; but then we noticed that there was no explicit copyright notice in the source, so it hasn't been uploaded yet. The code is from 1996, so we would request removal from Debian if it weren't for 'horae' depending on it....


Hello, Planet! (Thanks to lamby for adding me to Planet Debian.) If you don't know me... I'm not surprised. I do some occasional pkg-perl work, but I've really been slacking (and changing jobs, and moving halfway across the UK). Last week I fixed one RC bug, in libgnupg-interface-perl. Better than none, I suppose. It turned out to be quite interesting; the tests failed when the package was built on the buildds, but not locally....

SmoothWall Express - ntpd

Part one of an occasional series about SmoothWall Express (SWE). The SmoothWall Express source tree contains two NTP daemons - both ntpd and OpenNTPD. SWE uses the openntpd daemon, but installs the ntpdate and ntpq utilities from the ntpd package. This is justified because openntpd is apparently more lightweight than ntpd. But note that ntpq does not work with openntpd. On my machine, the saving in memory is not massive. As observed in the thread, openntpd needs to run two processes (with one running as root), while ntpd can use Linux capabilities....

The story so far

I spent the weekend in Rugby, not doing very much. I had this morning off work to travel back to Southampton, and it was surprisingly busy. This afternoon I put the transaction scope guards I'd researched on Saturday into my project at work, and then refactored bits of it. According to the project plan I'm meant to be finished soon, but I keep finding more important things to do than implement the final SQL functions....

October 26, 2009

The Future Is Here

While depositing a cheque using the machine at my local Nationwide branch yesterday, a remarkable thing occurred; the machine looked at the cheque and told me how much it was for.

Transaction Scope Guards

I've been writing some Perl DBI code which involves some fairly involved error handling; I've been looking for a way to roll back transactions neatly when certain errors happen. I very nearly reinvented the concept of a 'transaction scope guard' which I now find is implemented in DBIx::Class (with Scope::Guard implementing a more general version). A lexical variable can be used to detect in which cases a transaction should be ended, because the object it points to will get DESTROYed when it goes out of scope....


I just signed up to a petition about postcodes. The context is that Royal Mail asked someone to stop giving not-for-profit websites access to postcode data. From a database copyright perspective, Royal Mail is within its rights to do this; but it seems wrong that socially useful non-commercial sites are unable to make use of postcodes without paying a high license fee. Compare this to the US, where this data is freely available....

Code Reuse

At work, I have been refactoring old Perl code. Part of me feels that this was tangential to the main aims of the project I've been assigned, but another part of me can list all the bugs I've found/fixed and the advantages in terms of maintainability, so on balance I think it was a good idea. Something I like even more than tidying code is reducing the amount of code required....

October 4, 2009

Escape Velocity

I am no longer going to tag my blog posts with Planet {WUGLUG,UWCS}. As I don't even lurk in the IRC channels any more (or read the mailing lists), and as of recently don't even live near enough to campus to visit, I think it's time to stop imposing my ramblings on the respective groups. :) You can still read my blog directly, or on Facebook, if you are so inclined....