Reflections on OSSF London 2021

On Tuesday I attended the Open Source Strategy Forum in London, which is a meeting of the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FinOS), part of the Linux Foundation. (There is a New York version coming up in November for those across the pond.) The morning keynotes included Gabriele Columbro introducing the day, then Russell Green highlighting the progress FinOS has made; Liz Rice of CNCF fame with an inspiring talk about contributing back to upstream; an interesting conversation between Nick Cook and Jane Gavronsky about innovations in financial regulation, and finally a presentation from Andrew Agerbak of BCG about how open source can help banks move to public cloud....

Flattr-y will get you nowhere

Dato pointed out on my post yesterday that I had omitted to link to the Ikea catalogue. And then it hit me - I am completely failing to monetize this blog! (Sadly, Ikea aren't in a position to give me any kickbacks right now.) Since my money would be spent on innovative Swedish design in any case, I present a new microdonations system: Flattr-pack. I'll add a "Flattr-pack this!...