[The story so far: I'm packaging pump.io for Debian.]
4 packages uploaded to NEW:
- node-webfinger
- validator.js
- websocket-driver
- node-openid
2 packages eliminated as not needed:
- set-immediate - deprecated
- crypto-cacerts - not needed on Debian
1 package in progress:
- node-databank
Got my eye on:
- oauth-evanp - this is a fork with two patches, so I need to investigate the status of those.
- node-iconv-lite - needs files downloaded from the internet, so I'm considering how to add them to the source package
- dateformat/moment - there's an open discussion about combining Node.js modules, and I'm wondering if these are affected.
Currently I'm averaging around one package upload a day, I think? Which would mean ~1 month to go? But there may be challenges around getting packages through the NEW queue in time to build-depend on them.
Someone has asked my temporary Twitter account whether I have a pump.io account. Technically, yes, I do - but I don't post anything on it, because I want to run my own server in the long term. As part of running my own server, I always find that easier if I'm installing software from Debian packages. Hence this work. Sledgehammer, meet nut.